Do You See What I See? - by Shane McLean

In my quiet time this morning, February 9, 2022, God spoke:

Do you see what I see?

I have designed each human heart to be like an antenna, a net, a filter! It can capture and decipher My incoming messages which are coded in Spirit!

To decode My messages you must be in the right position spiritually or when you get the information you will receive a garbled transmission. It will be tainted by yourself, the world, or even the powers of enemy himself.

To decode it properly one must be in as perfect a heart as possible! A perfect heart holds onto no wrongs, it forgives easy, and has held no malice or ill intent. It is patient and kind; it is willing and obedient, etc.

There are many more attributes but the most important ones are Humility and Love!

The heart I’m seeking to download to is not one just seeking Me and My gifts of wisdom and knowledge and power but one that is waiting on Me knowing I’m seeking them!

They sit and ponder all the good I’ve already shared from my Word, they meditate on love, and their joy is peace making. Their heart is honor, restoration, and building a new kingdom on earth, that in its current state, could never produce on its own!

They ponder and dwell on building MY KINGDOM! To these I seek to give the real keys of Heaven, to unlock the deep things of Myself. They are not building unto their own, they live for no personal agenda but for unity and love among the family of Heaven.

In fact I have marked these with a special trait and characteristic one given due to their truly willing hearts...

There was a pause in the download... I geared a question.

Father: What do you think it is Shane?

Shane: I don’t know God...

Father: It is the gift of My presence; it is easier access to Me during profane moments and in profane spaces.

Note added by Shane: (Profane: not sacred. Profane space is above all homogenous and neutral, "without structure or consistency, amorphous in relativity with a lack of orientation. It is virtually equivalent to chaos. It is the opposite of a sacred space.)

When you are willing to sit and spend time in My presence, just to be before Me, receiving nothing but the gift of My presence you’re on the right track. The more the attitude is right and the intent is pure, the easier and easier the flow of Divine Heavenly encounters will be and they’ll become greater and greater!

Do not despise small beginnings!

Those that have let pollution control their thoughts; they will have a garbled transmission at best and at worst will be self deceived. They have no one to help guide them and they are an island unto themselves. They heap the bolstering words of those like themselves into prison walls, walling themselves off farther and farther from truth, the joy, peace, and plan I have for them.

I told you “think on these things!”

Have you sought them? Have you endeavored to apply them and this process? Have you sought to sit and stay awhile in My Presence imagining all the good things I am doing now in you, through you, and to you? Imagining all the good I’m doing right now throughout the earth? Have you let it raise your joy level? Have you let it bring excitement to your soul? Have you seen the great things and anticipated My approach? Can you hear My footsteps? Do you rise on the inside as I near and open your arms to embrace Me? Do you run to Me as I open the doors of Heaven and lock eyes with you?

If you cannot see this you must begin to wait upon Me and simply to sit in My presence “thinking on these things” and not all the negative. You must learn to let the negative go, forgive easily, move quickly from negativity to the healing of love- My love- which covers a multitude of sin. Hold onto no wrongs done to you and endeavor to create unity where you will go. In this you will know you are mine and I Am is yours!

Mark this, mark those, and anyone not walking and practicing this who have known to do so and now has forsaken this; have no association with that person! Leave them to Me. Move forward! Holding fast to those who have the marks of My love- a humble loving servant

I am seeking that which is Mine. I seek those pure of heart, will you be Mine?! “Think on these things” and you will see what I see!

I love you!

When You Are Ready - BY Shane McLean - March 4, 2021

-When the day of the mentor is over-

There comes a time when you are ready to be thrown into the mix, the fray, the fight.

When you are ready to be “sent out as sheep amongst wolves, with no coat or purse”, as the leader. 

Sure we all need leadership and training in life and in certain areas from time to time for personal development, growth, and healing. We all need to have a leader/teacher- that will never change. And, we all need a time of training and that length of time will always vary from person to person and case by case (because much of it is in our own personal control). But I believe there is a moment of “release” that we must all understand. 

Just as I know we leave from something more than we leave to something, we must be prepared but we must also be ready for release. Just as the adage of “when the student is ready the Masters will present themselves” makes sense. So too does “when student becomes the master” and at some point good leaders release you into the season of labor God has ordained for you to be in! We should know that there is a season of leadership for us in our life, that God wants us to expect and embrace, to walk in and raise up more disciples for Him, ourselves! 

Perhaps you’ve heard everyone needs a pastor! Well I’ll tell you, that is not true! Everyone does not need a pastor, number one because not everyone is a pastor (lol, study five fold!); what everyone needs is accountability! Great leaders surround themselves with two types of people- those they are leading and those they are peers with. The key to being a great leader is allowing both of these groups to speak into your life. If you don’t have this, you are not a truly great and Godly leader. 

As we think about this both from the premise and basis we see this picture of leaders being raised up and released many times in scripture. First, in the apostle’s after Jesus has ascended. They were the starting point of the pinnacle leadership of the church and who did they have? Only each other! This is chronicled in the Word, mainly in Acts. We also see it in Paul’s writings about himself and his journeys and relationships. They had each other and they had their disciples. 

If you read between the lines you will see when they were ready. A few characteristics stood out; faith, the love of God, and a healthy dose humility. These three components will keep you on course to do all the things God is calling you to in this life, regardless of how hard the situation and circumstances will be. These three components will reveal the next steps of the rest of the things we need in our lives. 

These three characteristics will be tested, stretched, and attacked. The enemy will try to separate all or even one of these from your life because together they create a synergy that is unstoppable by evil. With them active in your life, you become a walking destructive force to the enemy’s plans and kingdom! 

Great leaders around you know when you’re ready. It will be when this trifecta gift mix is in operation and when humility is reigning. There is a moment when truly great leaders will “push you out” of the proverbial nest! You will hear things like “you’re ready!” Like Mr. Miyagi pulling the headband and black belt out of the drawer, telling you put it on, we’re going to the tournament; you’re ready! 

If you feel like you’re not ready that’s one great sign that you are. The heart is the key in God’s kingdom like the apostles who, being with Jesus for only a year or two, were told to pick their partner Jesus was sending them out alone to heal the sick and cast out demons! 

If you’re amongst great leaders then you must trust them in their leading if they say you’re ready! Yes, you will make mistakes; yes it will be tough; yes you will not know everything. But you are in good company and well prepared because they haven’t left you alone. After they pull you up to their platform they will now be your peers (you’re now a part of leaders leading each other). This may be inside of a current ministry helping it to grow or starting a new one! But on that day trust what they see and say, lead where you’re at, stay humble, seek wisdom, be proactive, and raise up your own team now for your personal vision at hand. Lastly, lead from the trenches and let those you’re leading see and speak into your life as well. 

At The Barn we truly believe in letting leaders lead. We also believe you can’t be a great leader unless you’re proven to be a great follower first; it’s about a servants heart. We truly believe in raising up the next and replacing ourselves. We believe in trusting the plan of God for the growth of our lives. We know there is a next for us and we can release people to do what we have been doing because God has called them to it. As spiritually mature leaders we aren’t afraid or threatened by others greatness because we don’t have a scarcity or competition mentality- we know God has our next, and so does our ministry family! 

If you’re feeling like you don’t have that kind of support structure around you to allow you to grow and advance or if you don’t know how to tell if you’re ready, etc., then get up and go find one, and don’t stop till you do!  It is critical for your journey that you do and God is raising these types of “churches” and leadership structures all over the world today! Trust God; He is promoting the heart of David in leaders today and He is raising up the five-fold leadership to equip the church and bring unity to His body today for what is coming tomorrow.

Have faith, stay humble, and be proactive but also patient, let love lead, and get ready to be released! 

To God (YHWH), Yeshua, be all the Glory! Forever and ever! 


God: “I want to lead you; do you have the time?!” - - - By Shane McLean 2/1/2021

God asked me this, this morning. It was for me but also for us all. This is from our time together this morning...

It is not an easy thing as humans to follow blindly an “invisible” God and even less easy in the day and age which we live. We have such a great task to accomplish in this life, day, and age. Yet it seems almost impossible to do that with any amount of success when many of us in the church are addicted to “knowing” the future.

I equate it to the horse with blinders analogy- the horse must get the job done. If the master has been good, has cared for the horse, loved it and taught it that it can trust his guiding hand for the areas it cannot see the the job of the horse is easily accomplished and the horse is safer for it.

In so many ways this sticks out to me for the job God has for me to do. If I allow this world to sap my energies from the commands God has given me, I will be slow to act or fearful in my actions and fear can cause me to doubt the steps the master is asking me to take. I know His voice and I know His leading and touch. But if my eyes are causing me fear and panic I may never take the first step necessary or I may misstep, avoiding a spot, I should have stepped on.

I know this flies against our common sense and we also have the example of all the “sheep” blindly following the leftist agenda. What I will say is this... WHOSE SHEEP ARE YOU? It is not about being a sheep. It’s about who is your master. We all have one- you are not your own master. Many will find that out in the moments after their the last day of life.

God told me recently, “trust I (God) will lead, provide, and protect you!” I have been doing that more and more every day since that time. And I can see His hand leading me and accomplishing those very things He said he would do; lead, provide and protect. He has shown me I can trust Him!

You see, God’s ways are not always or ever our ways. We do not get to decide truth. Sometimes He tells us to go to the store to buy wonder bread but when we get there He says no buy Aunt Millies, lol. That’s funny but it’s true! Sometimes we argue “but we’ve seen the recipe and it takes wonder bread!!!” And we need to let God be God in our lives- it is His choice we need to accept and make. This is so crucial peeps, especially for today.

We must always understand God’s written word will never change. His spirit will always move in line with His written word. We must follow the leading of His spirit and not lose faith or trust in Him, even if we have been down this road before and He says go left or right or stop or go forward faster. We need to follow His lead, even if He has changed His mind from what we felt He originally spoke to us. God can change His mind if He wants to peeps- that is truly His prerogative! But it will always be in line with His word.

God is speaking today! If we will but listen, we will hear clearly what He is saying. Let us move into the time where God will ADD days to our life, not being cut short in our determined time upon this earth, day and age, because we have listened and obeyed His voice trusting His leading. Believing that He will change His mind concerning each of us and all of us as a ministry family, His remnant, so we will not be included in His plans for the wicked!

He is God, we will follow where He leads. He has given us His spirit now- it is far better than a cloud or pillar of fire- we can trust Him. We are going to the promised land!!!

Let’s start getting our hearts ready. Have a great day and be of good cheer because our God is for us!

Love you all,



God is creating like minded spiritual family communities. He is preparing a path and a place for us for the future. He knows the plans He has for us, plans to bless us and prosper us and to keep us from harm; Plans of hope and a future! (Shane’s version based on Jeremiah 29:11)

The most important attribute/skill we can hope to have in our prep for the future is the ability to hear His voice clearly... “My sheep know My voice, they HEAR my voice and another they will not follow...”

As a spiritually “WOKE” family we all have a part to play and we should know how important our personal part/task is, but we should not allow it to detract from how important others are as well. 

This next move will be about faith and love in ACTION! I believe it will be the greatest testing and stretching we’ve ever had to endure and it will be in a way never seen before- in it’s being spread out globally. 

Now more than ever we need to be people of intuitive biblical insight, stalwart faith, and heroic proactive action. Dig deep peeps; He is on His way!  (Look up, your redemption draws near.) Time to take the world we’ve been given... who is your neighbor?! And who is your family?! If you don’t know, you better figure it out quick. 

Love ya all, have a great day!! 


Jesus Be Enthroned!!!

Can you imagine the surprise and joy the apostle’s and all who were with them felt when they realized Jesus was not “gone” but was now with them in spirit? Now, He was everywhere, literally! And, not just His eyes on them, but now He was IN THEM. And how? By the degree they believed and acted upon that belief! AKA FAITH!

Family, Jesus is here and, here NOW! His presence is ever dwelling amongst us. It wants to manifest and break forth from heaven to earth! Many of us have been asking how? It happens first by praise and warship. It happens by stirring up the gifts within us. The gifts He put there. It happens by stepping out in faith and acting on ways in our hearts we know to be true but we have have been bound by fear and shame from to stepping into it!

We know if we never step into it, we will not have the fullness of God dwelling and manifesting through us!!

Well, it is time we dare to believe and trust in the unseen. We must- as they have shown the way in the upper room- present ourselves as a living sacrifice that we may be endued with power to help us to transform our lives in ways we have struggled to until now! Ways such as attitudes, habits, addictions, fear based mental attacks like anxiety and depression, and even physical ailments. We can, should, and will have deliverance from these things Jesus came to do so- He showed and promised us!

Yes, we are the Kings Kids, but He wants us to see the way there is by becoming His Sons Bride! The way is to be spiritually mature and be true heirs of His salvation just like Jesus. And as heirs, not just recipients or devotees, but those who practice and dispense it. We must and will become more than worldly conquerors but we will become as He is, DELIVERERS! Instead of looking at the world around us and asking why me, but looking at the world around us and seeing our potential, that is God inside us; a willing vessel hollowed out to His shape and willing to be inhabited by His presence- ENTHRONED!

Which brings us here, now!

Do you set a house on one brick or block as a foundation?! No. You set up a course of them and you choose the best blocks to handle the load you plan to build and the more you place down, the more you can build on that foundation.

Likewise we as His throne! The more we come together the larger His throne can be! If one man understands that and kneels, seeks, and through perfect heartedness provides Christ a place to be seated inside Him, that man can do a lot. But what if two people did that together? Three? Four? More and more? Would it not become as an upper room experience? Yes, it would!

We know God is doing something great here at the Barn! Something great in us all! We know there is a purpose. And yet here we are each asking inside what is the next step? And I tell you the next step is- as a family- to seek to be enthroned upon by Him ... TOGETHER!!


When we come together let us humbly, thirstily, and aggressively seek His presence and will to be done then at that moment, a great assembly of unity and likemindedness. We can only do this while TOGETHER! So let us make the most of these moments. If we do then His presence will descend upon us and we will be transformed- transfigured even- and people will ask why are you glowing. And we will do the works our Father does. We will rule over the darkness that tries to hide inside us and the world around us. Our homes, relationships, marriages, and very lives will be transformed!

Then, then, we will see these miracles and I’m sure other more physical miracles. We must start with that which is most important... HIM, the Fathers heart, through Christ Jesus! And that is done by the enthroning experience. That is what the The Barn has been about from the very beginning; that is the target/goal! Let us weep before the altar, TOGETHER! Knocking until that door is answered by our dearest beloved Jesus and then with Him we will enter in and have all we could imagine!

To God be the glory and His Kingdom reign forever!

Until We Understand 

We know He is past/beyond/outside of and creator of time and space and matter but do we truly believe and even remotely understand 

He inhabits our very being, the very space we now inhabit. Do we truly understand He is within us and we/you/I are in Him... literally!?

Can we conceive do we even try to, that He is occupying the same space we do, even as we move about He is within us, our hands and feet are literally His as well? 

You see when our eyes are ever upon Him we realize His also are on us. We begin to become spiritually aware of His habitation, where He becomes us and we become Him! We begin to see and understand the importance of praise and worship. As our praise lifts Him up It not only drives the enemy’s hand from off of us, it sets His hand upon us! All blessings flow to us and then through us! 

We become aware of the victory of Jesus, the cost and price He paid and we see the true power and authority of the name of Jesus!!!!! 

You know all sciences today are learning the reality of dimensionality. The Bible has known this all along, this is not some quirky new age occult theology, this is reality! If you think it’s weird and not worth your time to consider it it’s the devils misleadings, you can sit in your ignorance as those who understand these things begin to rule the world, for better or worse.

We now know there is more “empty” space than matter in the world and in each of us. We now know all matter breaks down to infinity and eventually becomes light! This is not science fiction it’s it’s science fact and it was and is all there in the Bible all along! But you won’t here them say that is so, because the spirit of ungodly antichrist is alive and well today!!

When we embrace the truth of our spiritual life and our true origin and being, that of an eternal being, we become who we really are, we become children of God! We sadly were divided from Him, and now because of Jesus!!!! WE HAVE REUNION WITH THE FATHER! And through Jesus we are all powerful, if you understand what all powerful means, you can’t without spiritual understanding and perspective! 

He who is creator lives within us!! He told me today... “give Me (God) your (Shane) word, your voice, your speech and let My word, My speech fill your lungs, mouth and tongue. Then we can cocreate My kingdom now in the present, manifesting it upon the earth where ever you are just as I (Jesus) did! 

We are not merely “human” family, we are Mankind! Nothing has ever been like us before we were made special and unique! Made in the very image of God! Created to be heirs not just of salvation but heirs of his nature and ability. By “being” Him, Him through us litterally we can be and are redeeming the world we live in, by letting Him live through us!!! 

If you truly knew you were Gods very vehicle, driving Him around, advocating and doing Hid bidding, the creator of the universe and all known and unknown realities, how much would that change your perspective and then your speech and then your actions? How do you think that would change the world? 

So today I challenge you dive deep in God! That deepening of relationship through praise and worship is for the very thing discussed here, for the two of you, you and God, to know and be known by each other in continuously ever deeper and deeper levels of love and union everyday, every moment! 

Love you all, be blessed!


Highest Level of Authority 

The highest level of authority are those who follow you because you first loved them even while they were in sin. Like Jesus! He loves us first and even while we’re in sin and ailing Him to the cross He died for us. He even asked at the point of death “Father forgive them they know not what they do!” 

People will follow and give you authority when they see you love them and you don’t quit on them, or desert them when they are down, even if the reason they are down is due to their own fault. In fact if you stick with them at that time they are even more loyal... as we are to Jesus!

Forgive 7X70; make room for others faults; love covers a multitude of sin; I can go on and on! It takes humility, only humility can carry this load and do what is necessary. Jesus was the greatest example of this... as He loved and served the disciples, even washing their feet, LITERALLY! And said to them, “if you’re my servants and I’ve served you like this (as He was God on earth!) how much more should you serve one another?” 

Jesus’s life was service and His inner circle family! He said “they shall know you by your love for one another!” Family should not punish to separation, but we should honor to restoration. So do you honor one another? When someone fails do you stick with them and love them to restoration? Do you remind them who they are and protect and save their pride!? Do you call out their destiny? Do you let them see your heart by being transparent? Or do you hide it all behind pride and arrogance... which is just fear... fear of vulnerability... but true love cast out fear! So let us be found in Him, fearless and loving one another well, making the world jealous of our love that comes from He who first loved us. 

You want to have followers to follow your life toward Christ then the simple answer is, love others at their worst! Don’t quit on peeps. Especially if they are your ministry family! Each person is precious and worth our time and care. Look around. Who is God placing in your life? You should be able to see your ministry family pretty easy... let’s love like Jesus!!


It’s been said that a leader is someone who motivates others to do things they wouldn’t ordinarily do if left on their own. If we want to know what will win the day in our cause for freedom it will be great leaders leading the charge! 

If we look back at the nature and character of our forefathers the thing we find the most is their ability to retain poise in the midst of chaos. They were true gentlemen and scholars and, they lead with civility. Many men study their strategies and tactics, but few today study their daily habits; habits of devotion and self-control. 

Until we can understand the necessity of honor, respect, and civility we will never truly be a leader of leaders. Yes we will lead men but we will never command other true leaders. Until we learn authority through humility, we will never rise past the ceiling of a “small group”. People will always cycle in and out. Great leaders are great followers as well. Jesus showed us that the greatest among you will be the servants of all. The apostles knew this principle and they changed their region nation and world.  

Those leaders who understand this principle will be thrust up through the ranks and carried on the shoulders of other leaders- nothing will stop their rise! 

Just as natural leaders command the respect of men, servant leaders command the respect of other leaders. Great leaders understand this servant leadership principal. 

In summary, servant leaders lead leaders who lead men/women! Those who discover this will naturally rise up to be the most prominent figures in a movement. 

Some qualities of servant leaders:

   1.    They forgive others and have empathy

    2.    They help others when people fail and work on a plan of restoration not punishment

   3.    They build a natural culture of unity that honors differences and values others perspectives. 

    4.    They foster the transfer of communication from the front line to the command post! 

    5.    They are approachable

    6.    They put the mission above position and personal agenda

    7.    They make sacrifice of personal rights to take on more responsibilities

    8.    They wear multiple hats but are great at delegating

   9.    They see the need for administration as a framework to build on

   10.    They help foster the creation of systems that can be easily replicated and duplicated

Also, nothing is beneath them and most importantly they are not competition minded! They are not threatened by others who are strong leaders as well and they don’t think of being replaced as a threat but as a way to move to their next calling. Leaders of leaders succeed by helping others rise to their calling!Again, they are mission minded and DO NOT let personal agenda affect their judgments! 

Be brave, be humble... “they (those not of your group) shall know you by your love for one another!!” 

Make it a great day!


It's Simple, Really!

How do we make it, when we are so imperfect, prone to constant daily failures? 

The answer is as profoundly simple as it is complicated! 

To make it as short as possible for this article and to sum it up as best as possible, we understand by observation life is unimaginably complicated and yet when we focus on the simple and live from a humble, forgiving mindset, we find the complexity is irrelevant and easily enjoyed as part of the machine we need not consider. 

You see God made life for us to enjoy, like a designer of a nice car. We only really need to be concerned with how to operate its basic function to get where we need to go, and as always enjoy the journey!

You see this life really is a vehicle to get where He wants us to go and when we fully embrace that, fear falls to the wayside. Yes there will still be bumps, bruises, and pains but fear will have no place the deeper we go into the simple trust of God! 

All of this is summed up in a deep abiding relationship with Jesus (Yeshua)! For sure if we have seen Him, we have seen the Father. And as we study and become aware of the great promises He’s given us through our Father and belief in Him (God), we are set free from complexity and we can focus and enjoy the simple.

So start today, gather with us as we lift Him up and draw close to Him calling for His presence in our praise and worship of such a deserving, mighty, loving God, JESUS!

Contents vs. Container 

How many times have we looked at an ornate vase and admired it for its beauty? When we do this we often times are not thinking of its hollowness or its intended purpose to hold something. We ascribe value to it based on its outward appearance. And yet if we filled that vase with crap or poison, and marked it as such how many people would ascribe a new mental image to it? I dare say most! 

The point I’m trying to get at is the heart or contents is what truly determines a vessels value. 

In a person if they have a good heart, regardless of looks, people still admire that. A beautiful person, if their heart is evil, will be viewed with disdain! 

This concept fits precisely with how the culture of any group or organization will be created by its heart. And it’s culture and core values will always drive its public perception! There must be a progenitor a first of firsts. And that first will be the foundation on which all the rest will be built. And as the rest is built that foundation must be strengthened and bolstered by remembering it, to allow it to carry the load being built. 

That is why I love The Barn in its simple, humble, real, and very authentic shell it holds the most marvelous heart of humility and I would include next to it honor. Yes there is a vision, a mission, and even mandates. But even those are really only part of the shell. It is humility and honor which fill the void and pump the necessary nutrients to all the parts and allow The Barn to grow into what God is forming and fashioning. 

It is humility and honor which is causing the parts to connect and create, to grow and to mature. It has grown me, and it has held me accountable! Accountability I have needed! It has required me to honor and appreciate perspectives I would have scoffed at. It has made me see potential where others have not. It has allowed me gain things I tried desperately to acquire and could never reach. And mostly it has helped me grow closer to Jesus in ways that have revolutionized my other relationships and my life as a whole! 

I will never be able to quantify what The Barn means to me or has done for me personally or my family. I can only look at where I came from and where I am now and where it is taking me, as far as I can see that is, and it is good! I could never have imagined this; I could never have imagined you all. I can only say embrace the culture. At the heart of Christ is humility and honor! If you want to see success in life He, humility and honor, is the way!

I look forward to seeing you all growing and going. For just as humility and honor are the heart of each of you, each of you are the heart of The Barn! The Barn, such a simple symbol, is bringing life giving truths, concepts and connections to our whole region, state, nation and world... through all of you!

Love you all, have a great week!

Shane McLean 5/19/2020