Why do I act this way? Or why did I respond that way? Or many other similar questions? Well you’re not alone! Many of us have asked ourselves those questions when we respond in a negative way that doesn’t fit the offense or situation. These responses are likely caused from unhealed emotional wounds from our past that we aren’t aware of. We often feel “stuck” and hopeless. And as you most likely know these emotional wounds left unchecked impact us in devastating ways and cause us to lash out and hurt ourselves and or those around us.

Our hearts here at HEAL is to help everyone find the “why” of their inner storms and walk them through the process of inner healing to bring peace and restoration through biblical revelation and knowledge. We endeavor to help you become all God destined you to be. We’ll help you rediscover your purpose in life and how to overcome the obstacles that have held you back. So come, let us help you take back your identity, your peace, your joy, your power and your authority in life.  It’s time to HEAL! (John 8:32, Is 61:1, Ps 147:3, Jer 30:17, Ps 34:18)

Please follow the link below to schedule some time to meet and talk.

*an appointment is generally 60 minutes

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